Monday, July 29, 2013

Oh Those Birds!

Ari and Isac watching the birds herd the sardines.
We've been living in Soquel for five years. For the past three we've been able to witness this remarkable scene at New Brighton or another nearby beach. The birds herd the sardines! It's a sardine fest for sea fairing birds and otters and seals, we didn't see dolphins this time, but we have on other occasions. It's breath taking. The sight. The sound.

We met our friends at the beach for a bonfire and some dinner and this is the scene we happened upon. I wasn't expecting it and only had my phone with me, so pardon the poor pictures. I think they give you the general idea though.

Ari and the birds.

I was trying to get a shot of the seal swimming close by, but it ducked back into the water just as I got this...They're so big.

My friend, Kerith and two of her three boys looking at the birds herding the sardines.

On the path to the sea was this beautiful and thorny thistle.

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