Tuesday, August 27, 2013

read: together

The summer is waning and we've run out of places to go, people to see and motivation to do much more than laze about the house. We spent a few hours yesterday and today reading this book, Leepike Ridge by N. D. Wilson. We like his stuff. This was a quick read-aloud (relatively speaking) and we easily connected with the main characters.

The story is an adventure-action combo. Young Tom lives with his mother in a house built atop a giant rock, it's also chained to this rock. The pair are both still mourning to death of Tom's father Ted. One morning Tom, after arguing with his mother floats down the river by their house and gets violently sucked under the the rocks by the rapid river. The story of his father's death is slowly revealed through his adventures beneath the earth in secret chambers built by pre-Colombian settlers. He finds a body, a live man, a dog and eventually his way back home. Lots of twists and strong characters. I recommend this book to 8 years and up. I know I really enjoyed it!

Monday, August 26, 2013

my magic plate

I have a magic plate. It's hand made and I bought it at a thrift store for a mere $2.25. You may be asking what makes this plate so magic? The magic part? The boys and their friends eat whatever I put on it, with very few exceptions. I fill it with fruits and vegetables. Then I put it out while I'm cooking dinner or just after school when everyone is hungry but they may not realize it yet. I sometimes have to fill it twice.

I bet you already have a plate in your cabinet that has the potential for magic. The most important thing is to fill it with good stuff and present it to your kids/friends/guests without fuss. Tell me how you get your little people to eat good stuff!

Hello Again & Fairwell Summer

Well, here we are at the end of our summer break – already. How did that happen? The last time I wrote here summer was in full swing. It's been a wonderful summer, one lazy, enjoyable, lovely summer. We celebrated two family birthdays, swam, dove, hiked, climbed, played/watched football, did horseback riding, biked, entertained family, had a few bonfires, and generally had a mellow summer. School starts Wednesday, August 28th...Getting ready.

Forest of Nisene Marks in Aptos

Max, Aaron and Coleman

Rope swing in The Forest of Nisene Marks - some very productive teenagers built a cool village there.
Oh so pretty Kitty.

Coleman, Sean, Aaron, Max and Nana heading up the hill to set up for Max's 9th birthday party.
Chris and Max swimming.

Max found a good size garter snake in the yard.

Max and Kitty cuddled up on the sofa.

First practice of the season, Nana looks on.

First scrimmages of the season.

Nana, Kitty and I went for a walk. Up hill.
Then we came down hill.

Friday, August 23, 2013

{this moment}

A Friday ritual. A single photo, a single moment to savor and share. 
inspired by soulemama.com

Friday, August 2, 2013

{this moment}

A Friday ritual. A single photo, a single moment to savor and share. 
inspired by soulemama.com