Friday, July 16, 2010

Fresh Eggs!

Two of our lovely chickens are laying eggs, Ninja and Cheerio. They are almost as excited about it as we are. They strut around the yard honking excitedly. Ninja layed the biggest brown egg I've ever seen, a double yolker! It was brown with little darker brown speckles. Cheerio turns out to be a blue egger, or a blue/green egger. Her eggs are more demure, and just a lovely shade of blue/green. Hard to see in the picture, we'll work on getting some better shots of these lovely eggs. Coleman has eaten three out of the five eggs we have found so far. They have a rich orange yoke and delicious flavor. Small issue; they are hard to find. Since they free range, they lay their eggs in the yard and we have a big yard with grasses as high as me. There may even be more eggs out there we don't know about. I may have to narrow their range a little.

Cheerio, above.
Ninja, above.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Front Yard Progress

Our Visit to Massachusetts

The boys were in Massachusetts for ten days, I joined them for the last four. Nana took them to so many places before I got there. They went to the Higgins Armory Museum for their first big trip. They went to my cousin Ann's farm to check out the horses and play with the three White girls. Who are pretty cool, even though they are girls. Walden Pond one day with MB, Eva and Nana. Many things they did before I got there. Then we went to Old Silver with MB and Eva, chased chickens in their back yard, went out for dinner with the Barnhardts. We went to Ed and Jan's for a quick visit. We went to the farm near Chuck's house and ate Royal Pizza with the Mascaris. A good time was had by all.