Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Santa Cruz County Fair

Coleman's third grade class had a field trip to the Santa Cruz County Fair today. I was able to get a few shots. We saw: Racing Pigs, Many chickens, Cows, Science stuff, Lego Contest, Photography, food, K9 show...I'm sure there are many things I missed. We're going back on Sunday with the whole family! We had a great time while there. And I am hopeful this year will be a WAY better year for Coleman at school. His teacher is very observant, straight-speaking and seems kind-hearted. And I think he might "get" Coleman already. Phew.

Never Before Seen Pictures!

At the BEGINNING of the now past summer, Paul and Lisa came for a visit. Here are some shots of their visit. It was a quick one, hike in the redwoods, trip to the aquarium, etc.

Above, shot of the redwood tree growing in the middle of the "End of the Rainbow Cafe" - Sweet. The boys playing the piano at said cafe.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nana's 70th Birthday!

Nana moves pretty good for seventy. That's what Coleman says. I think that's true, too. Nana, You're a young seventy! We made the shortest trip ever to Massachusetts this weekend to go to Nana's party. So quick, in fact we never got off west coast time. Back to Nana's birthday weekend. I can't believe how wonderful a time we had the few days we were there. The weather was sweltering, of course. We partied at Uncle Chuck and Auntie Judy's house to celebrate. MB made a great cake, just the perfect size with a tea pot full of hearts on it. Could it have been more appropriate? No, I say. We had great food and music and the kids and grown ups alike had a blast. Wish I had gotten more pictures, hope you enjoy them.

The guards-down feeling of being in a place so familiar and comfortable is something I have felt only when I come home over the past five years. Even the smells, the way the air feels, the road work(!), the people, my family, it all makes me just relax. I miss this feeling and the smells and the people. Sometimes I even miss the sweltering heat. I got my fill until next year on this brief visit. :) I feel a bit like a puzzle piece in place back east and here in California a puzzle piece sitting on the side waiting to fit somewhere. It's a great place where we live, don't get me wrong. But there is just something about New England and proximity to family that leaves me aching when I leave.

Lots and lots of love to you all!