Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yard Work

We thought we'd plant something in the front yard that isn't a trailer. The boys left on Monday night.


Tuesday afternoon we rented a rototiller and Chris got to work on the hard soil.


Wednesday morning we had one and one quarter yards of washed sand delivered. We spread it evenly over the yard, Chris tilled again. Wednesday afternoon we had seven yards of soil amendment delivered; we spread, Chris tilled. 


Thursday we went to a landscape supply place and selected stones and ordered crushed rock and sand. We layed out the walkways etc...We also dug, dug, dug up the soil where the paths and patios would go.


Friday morning the crushed rock was delivered; we didn't spread it yet. We had to continue digging the pathways. Chris rented a compacter for the compressing of the stone.


Saturday we had a hired hand help with moving the rock and spreading it.

Sunday more rock moving and compacting.


Monday sand and stone was delivered. Moved the sand and tried to level it. Started the stone installation. Installed the fountain.

We figure we're less than half way done with this project. We're taking a couple days off. I'm going to Massachusetts for a few days. We'll all be back Saturday night. Then we have to get the barn cleared out. Boy, do we have a lot of work ahead of us.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Boys Go to Massachusetts

Coleman and Max headed off to Mass with cousin Tibor and Uncle Chuck Monday. We drove up route one to San Francisco. This helped me not get car sick, as I usually do as the passenger going over route 17; most passengers do. It added about 15/20 minutes to the ride, but the boys watched The Empire Strikes Back while en route. We met Tibor and Chuck in Sausalito, which is just over the Golden Gate Bridge. Here are some lovely images from our fun day with the Mascari men.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Saturday Afternoon Gathering

Kitty sharing the yard with the little ladies. They are so not afraid of her and perhaps should rethink that. I am waiting for the day she decides to pluck one of them from the flock for dinner. I've been sure to keep her well fed and an eye out for mischief. She is a dog, after all, and one day she may just remind those bold chickens of that.
We had a gathering at our house yesterday. Coleman wanted his friends to meet cousin Tibor. Unfortunately his very best friends were unable to make it. We had a lot of fun, anyhow. And, after all, we clearly needed to push to tidy up. We've had non-stop company since the week we moved in and each visit/event forces just a little more advancement in the right direction. We had a fruit basket shaped watermelon. When we were all done the chickens got to have at it. First the big ones then the little'uns.

Mystery Spot, Santa Cruz

Chuck and Tibor are here from Medway, MA. Tibor graduated high school this month! I remember when that guy was born! Got the call in Philadelphia when I was away at college. I had a dream of a blue eyed, blond haired baby that night. Boy, he's come a long way! The boys are beside themselves happy with Tibor's presence. Notice how Max is glued to his thigh in the last picture? We're so happy they came to visit us. Wish we had more time. Wish it had been the week after school ended so we were free of obligations. We love them so.

My two boys are flying away tomorrow night with the two Mascari men. Nana is already in her car waiting for the call to get them at the bus stop, I think. Every  morning since we made the arrangements Max has asked; "How many days 'til we go to Nana's?" I'm sure going to miss them when they're gone. Sort of already have a sick feeling in my stomach. But this is what memories and confident boys are made of. New adventures and family time.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

One More Shot

The Surprise Rooster


We've suspected it for some time now - Silver Dawn is in fact a rooster. S/he cock-a-doodle-doo'd yesterday. Roosters are prettier than hens, I have to say. And Silver Dawn is a real looker. The boys and I will be sad to see him go, but we're close to neighbors and I don't want to bum anyone out.

Well, I've done it again. Five new chickens - they really needed a home. So we decided to give them one. They are only 7 weeks old, so they aren't wandering the yard yet. But when they are big enough to fend off Kitty I'll let them wander. They seem happy enough to peck around the run for now. That makes 21 - after Silver Dawn finds a new home.

A shot of one nameless lady - I've been calling her Psuedo-Fudge Face, because she looks a little like Fudge Face but she's not. Maybe this is the one the boys call Nerdy. Getting hard to keep track.

Walking Tour of Our Town

It occurs to me that most of you haven't seen the town we live in. Kitty and I went on a walk with the new camera a couple weeks ago and I'm just posting the shots now. I love this little town. It's unique, I think even for here. It's really a village, Soquel Village. I hope you enjoy the tour.

My favorite restaurant, Sawasdee Thai Cuisine, walking distance from the house, and a lovely blue/purple color. The inside is purple and Gam, one of the waitresses knows us by name. Love the spring rolls.

A view down the hill towards the village. This is the Congregational Church, a pretty site in the mist especially...

The Bagelry, a nice place to get a bagel and coffee in the morning, though we usually opt for the Ugly mug, coming up in a few shots.

Our neighbor, Pedro's restaurant, Chipoltle. Chris is the only one in the family who likes Mexican food, so he's the main patron of Pedro's in our house.

There are a lot of antique places in our village, it's a go-to spot for the folks over the hill, I'm told.

A produce stand and market very near our house.

And, last but not anywhere least, The Ugly Mug. Good coffee and good atmosphere.

Chicken Boy

Turns out Max is quite the Chicken Whisperer. He loves them. They love him. He chases them around the yard with Kitty. And I capture a lot of it with the camera. I can't wait til they start laying their eggs - it will be that much more fun for him.