Friday, November 26, 2010

Super Power Ring

It's that time of year again. School for Tese. The most recent assignment I completed was a ring that isn't round. It's second life (after I get graded on it) is going to be a pendant. It is also a compelling wee sculpture. The assignment was to also consider what we would like for a super power and what that "super power ring" might look like. My list of super powers was learning tolerance, compassion, patience and mindfulness. These are not easy things to illustrate. And, to be honest I gave up on that aspect of the assignment after I wrote the list. However, once I completed it I realized it has a quiet, contemplative nature. And that embodies the super powers I desire. Now, if I could only get it to work.

Chris' Birthday!

This past Sunday Chris had a birthday. We celebrated with a walk in the rain/sun/rain/sun on the beach in Capitola. Uncle Mike Goldberg then joined us for a few Laser Tag sessions at the boardwalk in Santa Cruz. Out to eat, then home for cupcakes! It was a wonderful day of Daddy Love.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Coleman's First Trimester; Progress

I went to Coleman's parent-teacher conference November 18th. I have to say, that though school has been an emotional roller coaster this year, his grades were pretty impressive. He's reading at grade 6.4 (fourth month of sixth grade). He scored better than 96% of the nations 3rd graders on reading! He's doing well in math, science, history and social studies. His writing skills need work, but he's at grade level there. The one frustration is that he's inconsistent in his efforts. I'm proud of the effort he does put in and think he is too.

Field Trips This Week

This week Coleman's class traveled to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Max's class went to the Elkhorn Slough (pronounced Slew). I went on both trips and lived to tell the tale...

The Aquarium - I was unable to find my camera the morning we went on this trip. So, unfortunately I only got a couple pics with my phone. Above: In orange, Lucas and Coleman in "mini-me" mode. Note the sweatshirts over their knees. Also: Coleman and Cosgrove looking at an exhibit about conservation, the woman in the picture (which is a woman in the fridge) is talking about shopping locally and for food in season, etc.

On Wednesday Max's class went to Elkhorn Slough. (Slough: Widely used term for wetland environment in a channel or series of shallow lakes. Water is stagnant or may flow slowly on a seasonal basis. Where fresh water meets sea water.) We dissected owl pellets, and went for a 2.5 mile hike. I was able to take lots of pictures on this trip. The sun wasn't out the whole time, I would like to go back when it's sunny out and get more shots. I thought it was a beautiful place. The most exciting event was finding a rabbit head and entrails. Wow. The kids were intrigued.