Saturday, August 27, 2011

Studio Work: Paint and Apple Pie

A few very special friends came to help me paint my studio this Friday night. I lured them here with homemade apple pie. (My mum's apple pie, I'm learning, is a key to many hearts - thanks Mum.) Oh my gosh, this was such a special night for me, I am so grateful to each friend who came by and willingly worked hard after a long days work of their own. I look forward to having many more little gatherings and play dates in this space. There is more work yet to be done, but the walls and ceiling are completely covered with bright white, washable paint. As boring as white may seem, I assure you this space will be filled with color and vibrance as it matures.

Life is good. Now, back to work.


  1. Looks fantastic T. Paint party! Wish I was there to help (and eat some of mum's apple pie) :-)
