Monday, March 24, 2014

2014 Auction Project: Complete and Auctioned Off!

The dream catcher project is complete! This book and print together went for $1,200 this Saturday at our school auction. What a project! I'm pleased to be finished and have it passed on to the new owners. The book was my favorite part from concept to completion. I love the poems the children wrote along with the stamps they carved that related to their words. I took the stamps they made and designed their poem pages with them. This was something I had planned to have the children do on their own. Stamping may seem simple, but it's easy to smudge, and composition is not something that comes out of nowhere. So, in the end I used their stamps and their words and designed their poem pages for them. I used acid free paper in different colors. They wrote their poems by starting with four words: a person, an animal, an action and a natural element. I had them start each sentence with "I am". For example here is Max's poem with his words underlined:

I am the brown bear, I protect my babies and give them life.
I am a lake filled with fish.
I am laughter, strong and joyous.
I am the sister of playfulness connected by a dream.

I've always wanted to write a book! Technically I didn't write it, but I had a hand in the writing and design. And I honestly think I will make more!

Let's not forget the hand bowl! The kids love to play with clay. Who doesn't? We started with clay slabs, traced the kids hands, cut them out, had them stamp designs onto them and then I connected their hands to create a bowl. I made two of these. One broke in the kiln catastrophically. This bowl was auctioned off for $950 this Saturday. Sadly, I did not remember to take a final picture of the bowl, but I have one I shot quickly after it came out of the kiln:

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