Sunday, March 28, 2010

Update: Auction Project & Chicks

I bet you're wondering where I've been. Been here. Things were a little nutty this week. There was Max's auction project that occupied a full three days of my life (and Chris'). Then there was all the other stuff. Mostly chickens, kids, a short visit from a friend from afar and house stuff. We were busy this week!

Max's Auction Project:

Max's school auction happened on Saturday. Chris and I worked like mad to get the mirror completed this week. I think the last time I made one for an auction I said I would do it differently and more efficiently. Clearly I have forgotten all I learned the first time around because it seemed much harder this time. It was a little complicated by the fact that the tiles were round and I was encrusting sea glass in the grout (and all just 24 hours before it was due). I missed my Laundry to Landscape gray water workshop class because I planned so poorly for this project. I'm disappointed in missing that class, big time. But the final result was splendid, actually and it fetched around $550 for the school. The money goes towards scholarship funds and things like PE, music and art. All important causes in my mind.

The Chicken Coop Project:

All 17 chickens are living outside! They seem to keep themselves segregated by age group right now. Hopefully that won't last forever. I've got lamps in the coop to keep them warm on our chilly California nights. Bob, our architect and Luke, one of the carpenters built the coop and run in about 3 days - give or take. They did a great job. The chickens are safe and secure and in a multilevel coop. They only seem to be spending time on two levels, still have to check out the top two floors. As you can see, Kitty would love to get into the coop with the rest of us. But her intentions are questionable at best. Happy to have a fence between the Cat/Dog and the chickens! And Max is officially known (to me) as Chicken Boy. He adores them and they are getting used to him. He climbs right in with them. Coleman is a little grossed out by all the poop in the coop. Plus, one of the chickens pooped on him today! I expect a serious lag time between that visit and his next. :)

Introducing Night Ninja: 

Today Coleman and I would like to introduce you to one of our 17 chickens. Night Ninja is our nicest chicken (says Coleman). She got her name because she's black, oh and she's super fuzzy. She enjoys being held. She's also one of our larger ladies. We believe she is a Dominique. We will not know for sure what she is until she's fully grown in a few more months. For now we're going with Dominique. We'll introduce you to our others eventually, one at a time.

The House Project:

The house! The kitchen counters are in, oh yes they are. The tile in the bathroom is complete. The trim and doors have been primed (a wee bit stinky). Left to do: install appliances, install sink/vanity in bathroom, install toilet, install shower fixtures, final coat of paint and the decks and front step! That's all that is left!!! It is possible we'll have a final inspection on Friday of this week. This better be the case, because Nana Rose is flying in on Wednesday at noon-ish. We're all looking forward to Nana's arrival as much as we are looking forward to moving into our remodeled home.

Here are some other fun shots from this week:

I'll let you know how it all works out later on this week. Ciao for now.

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