Thursday, October 25, 2012

Read, Listen: Good Stuff

There is an overarching theme to the books I've been reading over the past couple years: Change. The belief that personal change is possible with work, understanding and will. I find it comforting that change is possible, and that one can choose to be different from what we've come to know as ourselves. Not just rearranging the furniture, but actually changing the physical structure of your brain, your feelings about yourself and others, your understanding of a given situation. And the way you lead your days and in turn your life.

I can think of several mind altering events in my life, which were small events, but big thought changers for me. One event was a meditation class at the Sunnyvale Zen Center. My motivation for taking it was to improve my memory. What I didn't realize when I began this class was that it could change many other aspects of my mind and behavior as well. The feeling I came out of that class with was a better filtered thought process. Like the difference between looking out a clean window or one covered with dog slobber. However, if you don't continue to practice, change the filter frequently enough, so to speak, well you will be looking through dog slobber once again.

I'm spending a bit more time reading for pleasure these days. Something about having both kids out of the house for school - time I guess. Also more space in my head, less worry, more problem solving. There have been a lot of books over the past several months, many on nutrition that are not here, others that were "mind changing events". I'm still very confused about nutrition, each book has a slightly or not so slightly different bent on the best nutrition for optimum health and brain function. But the books I have listed below, they have made a big difference in my life. I especially think Carol Dweck's book, "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" is worth reading for anyone who is alive. As in, it doesn't matter what you do or who you are, this book can truly open your eyes to how you experience your life. And how you can change your experience. It's based on years of research and it's great. Read it. Daniel Seigel's book "The Whole Brain Child" is also very helpful as a parent. I wish it was out when my boys were babies. This book is helpful in understanding emotions and what's going on and how to think through tough emotional events and of course how to help your children with emotions and the thought process during emotional events.

I recommend these Books and CDs about Change:

The Whole Brain Child
Parenting from the Inside Out
The Brain the Changes Itself
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialog with the Dalai Lama
Native American Healing Meditations
Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom
Mindful Moments: Ten Exercises for Well-Being

Let me know if you read any of these and what you think? And do you have other recommendations for me?

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