Saturday, May 30, 2009

Two Weeks Without Daddy

While you were gone:

Some radishes were picked; and eaten! Coleman has eaten a bunch of radishes. They are mild at first, but they pack a punch after a few bites.

We made pasta. Well, I made pasta. Hung it to dry on hangers in the kitchen. It doesn't look like much, but it cooked up HUGE. We could have fed another family on it. We used organic flour, organic free range eggs and it was very health. Except for the fact that Coleman wouldn't eat it. He had a sweet potato for dinner. And then cried at bedtime that he was hungry. He got toast with peanut butter on it at bedtime. I have to stop doing this, or he will never eat his dinner.

Max, however, loved his. He ate most of it. Along with the home made peasant bread. I wasn't fond of that bread recipe. I probably won't make it again. But it was a one riser and free form loaf which I like the idea of.

One day while Coleman was in school Max and I took Kitty for a walk on a trail Chris showed us. The one with the swing at the top of a very steep hill. Max wasn't into it, but Kitty enjoyed herself.

We found this pretty grass. You can't tell how pretty it is in this picture. It's very delicate and graceful. If I were grass, I'd want to be this sort of grass.

Max was very happy to finish this walk up and get to school. It's the first smile he gave me for this very brief jaunt.

Coleman slept on the sofa one night. Notice Kitty using him as a cushion. She has finally stopped using our heads as beds.

We've got some new fish. Sitting on a tidy little table, if you'll be kind enough to notice.

Here's a clean (enough) kitchen. How often do you see that around here? A lot more often these days, it turns out. I've got some help and I'm not doing my art work or dreaming about doing my art work or planning my art work. I'm just doing the house, the kids and this blog. And drinking way too much coffee.

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