Wednesday, May 21, 2014

read: The Backyard Homestead
Every year around this time I get a little giddy about the potential of my yard to produce food, exercise and enjoyment for myself and my family. Where I live there is potential year round for this yard to produce all of those things for us, our friends and our neighbors, I realize, but there is just something about spring. Don't you think?

My Aunt Helen and Uncle Tom had a little pink house on a little lot in the city of Dorchester, MA. The stairwell walls to their basement were lined with loads of jars filled with vegetables from their garden. I'm sure they weren't the only people in the city who grew copious amounts of food on very little land, but I always found it a magical idea that they produced so much with so little land. This year I'm not going for copious, I'm just going for some tomatoes, blueberries, maybe some grapes, definitely some blackberries, figs, persimmons and lemons. Of course, most of that is already growing pretty grand - I've really just got to make the tomatoes happen and tend to the new grape vine.

Which brings me to The Backyard Homestead, Produce all the food you need on just quarter acre! by Carleen Madigan. I like the potential in the title; "all the food you need". I'm all about potential. Between the covers of this hefty book is a tremendous amount of organic growing wisdom. In it you will find information about raising small farm animals also; chickens, rabbits, goats and I think she also mentions cows. Mainly I bought it for the gardening wisdom it offers. Crop rotation, companion planting, getting the most out of a very little bit of land. It's chalk full of that stuff. I'm enjoying it. Though I do wish for colored photographs, the illustrations are charming and enjoyable too. The information in this book may once have been just knowledge that was passed from generation to generation. Even city dwellers used to grow food. Alas, we've really shoved that life aside for the convenience of running to the market and spending more time in front of one screen or another. I for one am going to get off this screen and do something more productive. You should too! See you outside.

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