Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In Our Classroom Today

We had a pretty fun day at school Monday, Coleman and I. We went shopping at 99 Ranch Market in Cupertino. It was a drive over the hill. We were excited, so it didn't feel as interminable as it can at times. The night before, we looked through The Enlightened Kitchen, a Japanese cookbook (yard sale, $1). Coleman had chosen three recipes to try out and we had our list of ingredients with us to purchase. We found most of them, lost track of some, veered off course many times. We bought things we didn't need just because they were novel. We then went to a Japanese "dollar fifty store" called Daiso to round out our purchases. We decidedly got carried away. Rather. Fun.

We learned a little about the Japanese foods from our cookbook, which is a vegetarian one, based on recipes from a Buddhist temple. We learned how very different the food choices are at the Asian market, and that people are very friendly and willing to help. Coleman did a little bit of preparation for dinner this evening of a fancy cucumber salad. For dinner he had rice, vegetarian dumplings, noodle soup, salad...Max had the soup and cucumber salad. After I got home from my metals class tonight I tried my hand at making sushi - let's just say it got done. I also made little rice bunnies and fruit flowers for Coleman's lunch. Max got some fruit flowers in his new bento box, he's informed me he will never in his life, ever eat rice, so no sushi for him.

1 comment:

  1. Tese and Coleman: Going to our local Asian food store (Super 88) is one of the biggest thrills I can get in a supermarket, so I totally relate to your enjoyment on your field trip!
