Sunday, September 18, 2011

Two Dead Computers! (and Happy Birthday, Coleman! 9/18)

You aren't going to believe this. This week Coleman's computer up and died on him. And twenty four hours later mine up and died on me. I wonder if this is a cosmic sign of some sort? A sign to take a break from the world of pixels and focus on this physical world of mine. There are plenty of things in both worlds which pull at me, things I love to emerse myself in. Alas, I will have only the "real" world for a while as I ponder how to deal with this occurance, so you may not see me in this space for a number of days, or even weeks. Rest assured (all eight people who may or may not read this blog) that some day soon I will update these pages. We've got a tenth birthday to discuss, the county fair, moulting chickens, the progress on a certain studio, amazing weather, hikes and many {this moments} much to blab about. When I have a computer to work on. (Mom, this is not a request for a new computer!)

See you all soon...And remember to back up your files!

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