Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Walden School

It's amazing to me how difficult it was to choose a name for our home school. It was required of some paper work I had to file. So I had to come up with one. Coleman suggested: "Totally Awesome Education Academy". That can be our tag line, I suppose. Walden School, a totally awesome education academy! The name comes from, I'm sure you can guess, Henry David Thoreau. I happened to be reading "Walking" by Thoreau around the time I needed to choose a name. We do a lot of walking in the woods, Coleman, Kitty and I. The whole spirit of the book struck me as perfect for us. And so, that's our school name.

Coleman has gone back to drum lessons and is learning to read and write music for the drums. He's pretty keyed up about it. Me too. He spends 3 mornings a week in Karate. He likes to get there a half an hour early and practice before class, so he spends almost 5 hours a week doing karate. Our karate routine: we drive to town, park the car, he runs up the stairs to the dojo and I go to the Ugly Mug to either do some freelance work or surf the web to plan more lessons...Sometimes I just read.

We're trying to eat more healthfully, with as much protein as possible. The boys went for their well-exam a couple weeks ago and Coleman discovered he may be an inch and a half shorter than Max when they are grown-ups. I told him if he ate more protein he could catch up. I hope I'm not lying. The boy eats so little, more food has to add up to more body somehow. Hopefully it will amount to vertical inches.

Egg yolks, it's what's for lunch, for Coleman. (shh, there's spinach, egg whites, tofu & probiotics in his smoothie)

Spider, it's what's for lunch for a bigger spider. (photo taken on our hike Vienna Woods)

Extra curricular activities; self portrait by Coleman.

Fun with math - not. But at least we got to write on the wall.

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