Thursday, March 12, 2015

2015 Auction Project: Complete!

Here's a shot while it was sitting in my studio, still in progress.

Here's a shot of it at the auction...
There were many steps between what I shared last post and the completed Prayer Wheel. However, I didn't take pictures, and Chris did a lot of building one weekend that I was in bed sick, so I didn't even see how it began to go together. As you can see, there was a change of plans. Instead of using the kids tiles for a table top for the prayer wheel we put them directly on the prayer wheel and did just one row of Om Mani Padme Hum. It was Chris' idea and I think it's much better than the beginning plan. If you have specific questions about how we built this you can always email me.

The kids designs are beautiful, and this year they got to see it before it went to auction! I usually am working on it right up to the moment I have to drive it to the auction and the kids don't usually spend any quality time with it. Along with the requisite mantras and sky and earth mandalas, tucked inside were the children's own words and drawings. It went to a very special family and brought in a handsome sum for the school. It would never have happened without Chris' help and I'm so grateful for him.

Now that that's done, I've got to get that studio back into working condition! There's always more work to do!

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