Tuesday, July 14, 2015

read: Why Can't I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Illness

Why Can't I Get Better? by Richard I. Horowitz, M.D. is a must read for anyone suffering from a chronic autoimmune illness, or who knows someone who is. I ordered it through Amazon after listening to a Lyme Ninja podcast with Dr. Horowitz as a guest speaker. Full disclosure: I'm not finished with this book yet. I'm half way through and I've got it marked up and dog eared. I've got a long list of other things to research from this reading. Most importantly, though I have a much better understanding of the illness my two boys and I have. It's both encouraging and overwhelming to read this. Encouraging because I have discovered more information from this book in the past couple of weeks than ever before (remember I'm only half way through it, too). I have sought information that is meaningful and helpful for 13 years now, so that gives you an idea of what a gold mine this book is. Overwhelming because the complexity of chronic illness and understanding illness, treatment as it relates to me and mine makes my head spin. There's also this nagging reality that we may not ever fully recover, always being hunted by the clever little organisms within our bodies. They are able to remain dormant for years, waiting for your immune system to be vulnerable. Rest assured though, that if you have been suffering with Lyme, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia or some other autoimmune issue you will find answers in this book. Answers like: the right questions to ask your physician, the right tests to get done and enough information so you can find the right physician for you. Knowledge you will gain from this book might just make the difference between hope and despair. So, order this book, be ready to write in the margins, take notes and get educated!

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