Monday, January 21, 2013

:: Learn ::

I have a love of learning, I would happily go to school for like ever. Really. There are so many places to find information online. You probably already know you can take classes there, too. Did you know many of them are free? I just started an Introduction to Statistics class at Udacity. I've signed up for their Visualizing Algebra course also, which begins January 30. These two classes are not actually for pleasure on my part, but because I really want that information. I think I can use it. I'm sure I can, in fact. Even if it's just to support my kids who are learning it now and in the future.

I suppose I could go into a diatribe about education. But I'll spare you my take on that and simply share where you can find some free courses for yourself or someone you love:

Udacity - This is a start-up in Palo Alto, CA that offers free online courses. The lectures are short videos that also have input fields as you're learning. At the end of the course you get a certificate of completion. You can also earn college credits on some of these courses (college credits cost $). But if you don't need the credits you can take it for free!

A while ago I found this fabulous blog post: 12 Dozen Places to Educate Yourself for Free on Marc and Angel Hack Life blog. This is a pretty exhaustive list of places to learn online, from MIT to the BBC, go check this list out! I'm pretty sure you'll find something you just have to learn.

TEDed - Their mission statement: "We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other." These lectures are always inspirational, often funny. The above video I watched on TEDed tonight - and I'm going on a walk tomorrow!

Khan Academy - A great place for homeschoolers of all ages. We used it for math for a while. You can find courses on many subjects there and it will track your work.

Lynda.com - This is a great place to go to learn software, that's what I used it for a while ago. Many lessons are free, but if you want access to them all you need to pay. It's great for homeschoolers who want to learn Garageband, for instance. :) You can become a member for one month or the whole year, depends on your budget and needs. And, as I said you can watch many intro lessons for free.

Other "places" I found while farting around the web:

Open Culture - They have a collection of over 650 free courses in liberal arts and sciences which you download onto your mp3 player.
Coursera - Partners with top universities around the world to deliver their courses. I sure see some courses I'm interested in taking here.
Academic Earth - Video courses on quite a few subjects.

There is so much to learn and do, why does anyone watch television anymore? 

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